Written Exam - A Guide
The purpose of the Written Exam is to assess your understanding of the representative’s role in the police station and the skills that are needed to perform that role effectively. Your knowledge and understanding of criminal law, evidence, practice and procedure will also be assessed.
Upon registration, candidate are issued with a copy of our regulations which provide detailed guidance on format, content and assessment criteria.
The Written Exam must be passed prior to undertaking of PartPopularPSRAS Timetable
Please click here to view the 2024 PSRAS TimetablePopularPSRAS Critical Incidents Test - A Guide
The purpose of Critical Incidents Test (CIT) is to assess your effectiveness in advising and assisting clients at the police station. The CIT takes the form of a role play assessment under exam conditions.
On registration, you will be issued with a copy of our regulations which will provide written guidance on the format, content and assessment criteria for the CIT.
Assessment Criteria
The CIT will be assessed according to the following criteria:
Content -This is concerned with the lPopularPSRAS Process
The Police Station Representatives Accreditation Scheme must be undertaken by anyone who wishes to give advice in the police station for which payment is claimed from the Legal Aid Agency (LAA).
The PSRAS may be undertaken by anyone, including those who are unqualified.
On completion of the assessment process, you will become a fully Accredited Police Station Representative.
There are four stages to the PSRAS:
Written Exam
Part A Portfolio
Part B Portfolio
Critical IncidentsPopularPSRAS Portfolio - A Guide
The Portfolio will contain detailed studies of nine cases in which you have been involved with both the giving of advice, and attendance at an interview between the police and the client, at a police station.
On registration, you will be issued with a copy of our regulations which will provide detailed guidance on the format, content and assessment criteria.
The purpose of the Portfolio is to:
Enable us to assess your competence to give advice in police stations
Encourage you to considPopularSubmitting your PSRAS portfolio online
Step 1. Log in to your datalaw account
Step 2. Select the drop down in the top right and then select the 'PSRAS Submission' option
Step 3. Fill out the portfolio initial form with your: Title, Name, Phone, Address, Personal Study Declaration and Select submit when complete.
(https://storage.criSome readersControlled Remote Assessments - PSRAS - Written Exam and CIT Information
Click the following link to view PSRAS written exam and CIT information:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1faZ3bQlvdiP6WdqKidiOeK3GRfe4PLeJ/view?usp=sharingFew readers